The LED Matrix Studio is free application designed for electronics enthusiasts
who want to speed up the development of their LED and matrix projects.
It supports many different export options, animations and different sizes of matrix.
Use the software to design fonts, graphics and animations for your
PICAXE, PIC, Arduino, Parallax and any other electronics or microcontroller projects.
Comes with example Arduino files demonstrating use of exported data.
Download the zip files for the latest version of the code and executable!
I'll re-upload the "code" when I've sorted out my local git issues...
Supports matrix dimensions up to 256x256
Single colour, bi-colour, and RGB
Powerful animation support
Powerful export options (binary or code)
Draw freehand, rectangles, circles, lines...
Flip, mirror, invert, rotate, scroll a matrix
Preview in realtime (as semi-circle, radial and more)
Automation system auto-generates frames based using actions applied frame-by-frame
Click To Download |